
We are a student organization at Indian Institute of Technology, (BHU) Varanasi. It focuses on promoting automotive engineering and provides opportunities to participate in technical events, competitions, and hands-on projects related to vehicle design.


Events & Workshops

Card title

Card has a minimum height set but will expand if more space is needed for card body content. You can use Bootstrap card-decks to align multiple cards nicely in a row.

Card title

Card has a minimum height set but will expand if more space is needed for card body content. You can use Bootstrap card-decks to align multiple cards nicely in a row.

Card title

Card has a minimum height set but will expand if more space is needed for card body content. You can use Bootstrap card-decks to align multiple cards nicely in a row.

Card title

Card has a minimum height set but will expand if more space is needed for card body content. You can use Bootstrap card-decks to align multiple cards nicely in a row.

Card title

Card has a minimum height set but will expand if more space is needed for card body content. You can use Bootstrap card-decks to align multiple cards nicely in a row.

Card title

Card has a minimum height set but will expand if more space is needed for card body content. You can use Bootstrap card-decks to align multiple cards nicely in a row.